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About Xymphonia

a piece of history

The Xymphonia foundation was founded to strive for three main goals and Xymphonia Records is just one of them. Our main goal was to promote symphonic and progressive bands in The Netherlands and abroad. Secondly we wanted to give Dutch bands the possibility to perform together with bands from abroad. We already organized two small festivals in The Netherlands. Third but not last goal was to give talented progressive bands the opportunity to make their own CD.  After little activity in recent years, and composing the "Mask" album for The Foundation, it made sense to release their album on our label.

Next Xymphonia Records release

"Relations" by The Foundation

Our next release will be the follow-up to The Foundation's album "Mask". The new album will be titled "Relations".

Latest Releases

Xymphonia Records

Mask vinyl mockup

The "Mask" album of The Foundation is also available on vinyl.

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Xymphonia Records